Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Assessment of quality of life of substance abusers in a de–addiction centre

Suvendu Narayan Mishra, Pallavi Sahu, Debi Prasad Mohanty, Lagnajit Dash

Abstract :

 Aim: – The aim of this study is to assess the substance abuser in a de–addiction centre to improve the poor quality of life by reducing their habituated substances. Methods: – The world health organization quality of life assessment– BREF was used in the study to assess the quality of life of a patient in de–addiction centre. Statistics: – The work is validated by the t–test assay, and the frequency was measured for all the parameters used by the patients. Results: – From the list of different substances, most commonly used was alcohol (by 37.2 % of participants), followed by Heroin (by 34.6 % of participants) and Cannabis (by 26.4 % of participants). Conclusion: – Quality of life can be increased by reducing the substance abuse. The poor quality of life persists in the more substances abuser due their lack of knowledge and other factors for substance use disorder.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Suvendu Narayan Mishra, Pallavi Sahu, Debi Prasad Mohanty, Lagnajit Dash, Assessment of quality of life of substance abusers in a de–addiction centre, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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