Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Assessment of Nutritional Status of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients on Dialysis

Nisha Yadav, Dr. Kanchan Singh, Dr. Narayan Prasad

Abstract :

Background:Protein energy malnutrition develops during chronic renal disease and is associated with adverse outcomes. Nutritional status considered major determinants of mortality and morbidity in patients with ESRD.

Objectives:To assess the nutritional status of ESRD patient on dialysis by subjective global assessment, anthropometric measurements and biochemical markers.

Methods:Sixty patients with ESRD, who initiated dialysis were prospectively recruited. Patients were assessed at baseline, 3 months and 6 months after dialysis. On each visit a detailed history, clinical examination, nutritional indices [anthropometry, a 3–day dietary diary, body mass index (BMI), mid–arm circumference, hand grip, nutrition risk index (NRI) and subjective global assessment (SGA)] and biochemical parameters were recorded.

Results:Sixty patients with ESRD were recruited. The mean age, weight, and BMI were 48.7±12.1 years, 57.7±14.8 kg, 22.0±4.4 kg/m2 respectively.  Thirty–seven patients (61.7%) were male and 50% were diabetic.At baseline, as per subjective global assessment 70% malnourished and 30% were normal.Mean hemoglobin at baseline was 8.9±1.8 gm%, serum albumin was 3.3±0.5 gm%.At end of 6 month of dialysis 30% of patients were normal in nutrition, 70% were mildly malnourished and none were moderate to severe malnourished.At the end of 6 months there were significant improvement in biochemical parameters of nutrition [hemoglobin (8.9±1.8 vs. 10.0±1.8, p=0.01), iron (50.2±14.5 vs. 108.8±10.0, p=0.000), serum albumin (3.3±0.5 vs. 3.5±0.6, p=0.06)].

Conclusions: Most of our patients were already malnourished and dietary counselling can have an important role in providing the recommended intake of nutrients and improving the nutritional status of ESRD patients.

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Nisha Yadav, Dr. Kanchan Singh, Dr. Narayan Prasad, Assessment of Nutritional Status of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients on Dialysis, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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