Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr. Tapan Debnath, Dr. Sankar Roy, Dr. Avik Chakraborty, Dr. Partha Sarathi Pal, Dr. Mohan Chandra Mondal

Abstract :

 Lipoprotein (a) was first described by Berg in 1963(3). Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] has been considered a cardiovascular risk factor for many years.3 Owing to incomplete scientific evidence, screening for and treatment of high Lp(a) levels have to date been performed principally by lipid specialists.. Aims and Objectives: Aim of our study is to determine the level of Lp (a) in patients with acute myocardial infarction and compare it with matched healthy control group . To find out the significance of Lipoprotein (a) level among the patients of Acute Myocardial infarction (AMI) of Agartala, Tripura, North East region of India. To compare the Lipoprotein (a) level amongst the AMI patients with ethnic variability of non–tribal and tribal AMI patients of Agartala, . To find out the significance of Lipoprotein (a) level in routine investigations of AMI patients. Fourty two (42) patients with acute myocardial infarction were selected from a series of consecutive patients admitting the coronary care unit (CCU) of Tripura Medical College and DR. BRAM Teaching Hospital. Lp(a) was quantified by immunoturbidiometric method. serum LP(a) concentration in control group is (30.50+_ 25 mg/dl with maximum 134mg/dl ). In the case group (AMI Patient group both male& female patiens) average mean LP(a) concentration is 78.95+_28 mg/dl, with maximum value 485 mg/ dl. There is significant difference between the two group. ( p< 0.005). LP–(a) concentration level in patients with AMI is higher than the control group. An elevated Lp(a) concentration is associated AMI and a risk factor for AMI suggesting that Lp(a) may play an important role in the genesis of thrombotic coronary occlusion and the occurance of AMI. So it is suggested to make LP(a) serum level determination test as a routine laboratory test for identification of risk factor for AMI and to follow proper treatment to reduce LP(a) level in serum.

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Dr. Tapan Debnath, Dr. Sankar Roy, Dr.Avik Chakraborty, Dr. Partha Sarathi Pal, Dr. Mohan Chandra Mondal ASSESSMENT OF LIPOPROTEIN (a) IN ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION PATIENTS : AS RISK FACTOR. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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