Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Assessment of knowledge, attitude, practices regarding hospital waste management among nursing staff in a rural medical college and corporate hospital in the city.

Shravan Khetan, Dr Kalpana Date

Abstract :

 Hospital waste has always been considered as potentially hazardous in view of the inherent potential for dissemination of infection. The study was conducted to evaluate awareness about Biomedical Waste Management practices in nursing staff in a rural medical college and a corporate hospital with the help of pretested semi structured questionnaire. The survey result showed that almost 100% of nursing staff were aware about presence of regulation for hospital waste disposal. There was no significant difference between nursing staff of tertiary care & corporate hospitals regarding knowledge about definition of waste, time of generation & quantity of infectious waste. The study showed that the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding the biomedical waste generated and its proper management is better in nursing staff of the corporate hospital than the tertiary hospital. However the precautions to be taken while handling the waste are better known in the tertiary hospital nursing staff.

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Shravan Khetan, Dr Kalpana Date Assessment of knowledge, attitude, practices regarding hospital waste management among nursing staff in a rural medical college and corporate hospital in the city. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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