Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Assessment of Knowledge About Effects of Inadequate Dietary Pattern on Mother and Child Health

Dr. Anjali Rajwade, Dr. Charuta Rajwade

Abstract :

Adolescence is a period of life of a girl during which she moves from childhood to adulthood and consequent motherhood. Dietary inadequacies in adolescent girls caused by inadequate dietary pattern are usually carried forward into motherhood. Maternal and child health (MCH) problems are, to a great extent, related to maternal nutritional inadequacies probably originating during adolescence. The present study was therefore designed to assess effects of inadequate dietary pattern on mother and child health. 40 pregnant women visiting urban family welfare centers in Akola were studied. 72.5% respondents had moderate (HB 07–09.9 gm%) and severe (04 to 06.9 gm%) IDA. Assessment of ignorance about effects of dietary inadequacy on MCH revealed that 87.5% respondents in case of iron, 82.5% in case of calcium–Vit. D, 92.5% in case of folic acid, 97.5% in case of proteins and 100% respondents in case of micronutrients; were ignorant about the effects of dietary deficiency on MCH. Inadequate dietary pattern has wide ranging adverse effects on MCH about which majority of pregnant women are ignorant. Adolescent girls if educated about the adverse effects on MCH, can avoid encountering them in their own near future life.  

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Dr. Anjali Rajwade, Dr. Charuta Rajwade Assessment of Knowledge About Effects of Inadequate Dietary Pattern on Mother and Child Health Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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