Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Assessment of Indian Diabetes Risk Score in Pune urban population.

Shishir Joshi, Jayashree S Kharche, Gayatri Godbole, Pranita Ashok, Pradip Borle, Savita M Vaidya

Abstract :

 Background: The rising prevalence of type 2 D.M is closely associated with industrialization and socio economic development. Most of these people remain undiagnosed also left untreated, diabetes can lead to cardiovascular disease, blindness and kidney failure. So the purpose of the study was to evaluate risk of developing type 2 D.M in later life with the aim to evaluate the risk factors for type 2 diabetes in Pune urban population. Material & Methods: All volunteers 18 years and above, attending various health camps conducted in Pune urban area were included in the study. Subjects were assessed as per the IDRS tool.  The IDRS is based on the sum of the score for each of the variables included in the model, i.e., age, waist circumference, physical activity and family history of diabetes and score was calculated Statistical analysis was done by using appropriate method. Results: It was observed that 31.6% subjects have high risk, 52.2 % have moderate risk and 18.2% have low risk of developing diabetes in future. Maximum number of subjects are having moderate risk which is major concern in planning preventive strategies.   There was statistically significant difference between the score of males and females participants. Males are having higher risk for development of diabetes. Conclusion:  Study concludes that maximum number of volunteers are in moderate risk for diabetes and males are at higher risk for development of diabetes in future.

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Shishir Joshi, Jayashree S Kharche, Gayatri Godbole, Pranita Ashok, Pradip Borle, Savita M Vaidya, Assessment of Indian Diabetes Risk Score in Pune urban population., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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