Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Assessment of Dietary Phytochemical Intake in School Going Children and Its Effect on Their Growth and Health

Sangita Tomar, Dr. Munira Husain

Abstract :

Phytochemicals are very important non–nutrient dietary factors helpful in maintaining health and prevention of diseases. In present study 300 children aged 8–14 years were selected by volunteering method. Information regarding diseases and dietary characteristics were collected by interview method. The anthropometric measurements were taken through respective standard procedures. The phytochemical intake of subjects was assessed on the basis of fruits and vegetables intake. Obtained results revealed that the age, height and weight of low, moderate and high phytotaking groups found reciprocally increasing. However, mean haemoglobin and total serum protein of the subjects taking high to low levels of phytochemical foods were found not significantly different. But in better phyto–taking group lesser occurrence of anemia found. Similarly, decreasing occurrence frequent infections was found among children of higher phytointake found in. So the results indicate pro health effect of phytochemical intakes among school going children. Children should be promoted to take rainbow diet.  

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Sangita Tomar, Dr. Munira Husain Assessment of Dietary Phytochemical Intake in School Going Children and Its Effect on Their Growth and Health Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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