Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Assessment of Caudal Epididymal Sperm of Local Iraqi Ram

Wafir M. Saleh, Ihsan H. Al Timimi

Abstract :

 The main objective results of this study was concerned about the time that caudal spermatozoa survived after slaughtered or accidental death, and its ability to fertilize mature ovum to produce good quality emyos in vitro from Iraqi Sheep’s specimen obtained from slaughter house from January 2014 to March 2015, all samples were preserved and transporting directly in cool box at 4–8ºC from slaughtering to the time of processing in the Laboratory, the results were conducting according the spermatozoal motility and activities. Those samples were kept in container temperature showed high to considerably elevated motility. The period of time between the slaughtering to the time of investigations in the Laboratory studied well, as the period between the two assignments was kept close or limited to less time consumed, the spermatozoal motility and integrity were elevated. Age of the donor rams, showed topmost results including total spermatozoal accounts and active motility referred to stage or degree of sexual maturity of donor ram testicle samples. Seasonality and testicular orientation (Left and Right) had been investigated also, in which, the left testicle appeared to gain more progressed parameters than the right one. pH of the caudal secretions at time of collections about 6.2, and start to elevate as periods of cold preservations progress to be as 6.9 after cold preservation for 188hr, and this is may be due to equiliation between pH? and pH in related to increased number of dead sperms.. Spermatozoa from detached cauda preserved better from those preserved in entire testicle, Slicing of the cauda after medium injection showed an active motility index when preserved for 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168hr motility index was 85, 85, 85–75, 70–75, 70–75, 65–70 and 60% respectively. Five media were used; normal saline, TCM–199, MEM, dextrose and glucose and mixture of media, the result showed that normal saline from practical view is the cheapest, stable, less spoiled and easily prepared; has the better ability for sperms preservation period. Temperature of injectable medium also investigated, ambient temperature medium showed very good sperms integrity, 85– 90% motility and low abnormalities. Spermatozoa aspirated from caudal of lived donor ram showed decreased motility index when preserved for 24, 48 and 96h, motility appeared as 85, 65, and 35% respectively

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Wafir M. Saleh, Ihsan H. AL–TIMIMI Assessment of Caudal Epididymal Sperm of Local Iraqi Ram Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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