Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017
Assessment of Cardiopulmonary Function in Smokers
Arunima Deep, Yogesh Tripathi, Varun Malhotra
Abstract :
Introduction Cigarette smoking is the single most cause of the preventable deaths globally. It’ leads to heart attacks, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, peripheral vascular disease and hypertension. It contains nicotine which causes physical and psychological dependencies. Material and Methods We assessed the effect of smoking on respiratory system with the help of following parameters viz. Heart rate, Blood pressure, PEFR and Respiratory Rate , EGG. These were compared with the Age, Sex and BMI matched Non–smokers (Control Group). Results and Discussion The correlation was positive and not significant p>0.05, for systolic BP, diastolic BP, Mean arterial pressure, RR interval and QRS duration. The correlation coefficient was negative and significant p<0.05 among the smokers between age and peak expiratory flow rate. Pulmonary function tests like PEFR are deranged in the smokers than the non–smokers. Given this trend, it is important to undertake prevention and control programs to make young people aware of harmful effects of smoking, particularly initiating smoking at an early age. The usefulness of maintaining healthy BMI and to undertake measures to reduce weight by adopting regular exercise, avoiding sedentary lifestyle and avoiding smoking cannot be over emphasized. Special programs at school and college level need to be started so as to encourage young people to avoid healthy lifestyle and curb smoking and other harmful habits.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Arunima Deep, Yogesh Tripathi, Varun Malhotra, Assessment of Cardiopulmonary Function in Smokers, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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Arunima Deep, Yogesh Tripathi, Varun Malhotra, Assessment of Cardiopulmonary Function in Smokers, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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