Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015


A. Serma Saravana Pandian, Shilpa Shree, J. , B. Jaya Varathan, N. Kumaravelu

Abstract :

<p>  Indian meat export has undergone expansion in the last two decades. In this study an attempt was made to analyse the growth pattern of export of meat and meat products in India. The time series data for twenty year (1991 – 2011) on export of meat products for India were collected from secondary sources. The data were analysed by compound growth rate analysis. Over years, the commodity composition of meat export depicted a highly skewed trend towards the bovine meat. The analysis of export of meat products showed that that the export performance of bovine meat has registered the highest position (945935 tonnes in 2011). In terms of annual compound growth rate, meat offal registered a highest growth rate (40.14 per cent) followed by poultry meat (20.77 per cent). Decade wise analysis indicated that the export of swine meat, meat offal and wool and hair have shown a negative trend during the first decade while they have shown a positive growth rate during the second decadal period. During the first decade the growth rate of bovine meat export was the highest (12.68 per cent) while in the second decadal period export of meat offal registered the highest growth rate (41.58 per cent) followed by poultry meat (28.85 per cent).</p>

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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A. Serma Saravana Pandian, Shilpa Shree, J., B.Jaya Varathan, N. Kumaravelu / ASSESSING THE TRADE PERFORMANCE OF MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS IN INDIA / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 11 November 2016

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