Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Assessing the correlates of media planning for development communication in agrarian society of West Bengal

K. Pradhan, Soma Pradhan

Abstract :

The present study was conducted at Håhata block of Nadia district in West Bengal, India to identify the correlates of media planning for development communication in agrarian societies. The purposive as well as multistage, random sampling procedures were followed to select the respondents for the present study. The data were collected with the help of pretested structured interview schedule through personal interview method. The collected data were processed into simple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to draw a conclusion. The variables age, occupation, venturesomeness, fatalism and dependency had shown a positive and significant association with the variable, media planning for development communication in agrarian societies. The variables education, marital status and fatalism of the respondents had significantly contributed in case of characterising the media planning. All together the predictor variables have explained 98.5% of variations embedded with the media planning for development communication in agrarian societies. 

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K.Pradhan, Soma Pradhan Assessing the correlates of media planning for development communication in agrarian society of West Bengal Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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