Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Assessing Rural Common Service Centers in India: A Critical Study of Akshaya CSCs in Kerala

Rahul. K. , Dr. C. Krishnan

Abstract :

During the era of globalisation and liberalization, the delivery of public services through Information Communication Technologies has been a focal point of attention. Both the developed and developing countries alike competitively take up ICT mediated governance projects. India is also not an exception. Being a federation, both the Central and State Governments in the Country embark on ambitious e–Governance programmes. The National e–Governance Plan (NeGP) has clearly stated the vision and mission in this regard. In this context, this paper examines the impact and challenges faced by e–Governance programmes, especially rural e–governance projects. The rural e–governance programme called the AKSHAYA CSCs, launched in Kerala is the case in point. We specifically look to what extent it has succeeded in fulfilling its avowed objectives. The stakeholders’ experience during its roll out is also a matter of scrutiny. The objectives of the project were to ensure rural connectivity through oadband–based internet and intranet access, to provide basic computer literacy, and make local language e–content such as agri–business information and educational CDs available throughout the state. The project also focuses on promoting rural and youth entrepreneurship through ICT. In the last one decade of its functioning, the Akshaya Project has won several awards for its implementation of IT, e–governance, and other facilities in the rural sector, effectively idging the digital divide. However, we found that the initial big bang of the Akshaya has not been seen of late. A number of Akshaya CSCs have been closed or its ownership has been transferred during its short period of working. In the Malappuram district itself, where this project was piloted, the numbers of e–kendras have been halved during the period. Hence, the point is that a rural e–governance framework with ambitious targets may be a failure in the long run, unless proper corrections are made on time. So, frequent reviews, monitoring and strengthening are the basic sustainability measures necessary for continuing any e–governance programme. Mere anecdotal evidences may not really showcase the ground level realities. Hence, the study concludes that rural e–governance shall be successful only when the stakeholder relationships are strengthened. In the experiment studied, the entrepreneurs, the citizens, business firms and Government are the key stakeholders. Only when these different stakeholders become active partners, the rural e–governance projects like Akshaya can become a propeller of development. Otherwise, these efforts will only end up as ivory tower exercises.

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Rahul. K., Dr. C. Krishnan Assessing Rural Common Service Centers in India: A Critical Study of Akshaya CSCs in Kerala Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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