Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Assessing Gender equality in Education: Reviewing status and issues in slums of Hooghly Industrial Belt, West Bengal.

Sulata Hembrem

Abstract :

 The present study is based on status and opportunity of education obtained by girls residing in slums. Although the focus point is slum girls but the present paper also highlights regional and national scenario of girl’s education. This paper highlights issues like how girls under study area living within very poor conditions like small rooms and lack of proper sanitation, low economic profile obtain education. Education and Health always occupy secondary importance, and girl’s education is neglected. In spite of the adverse conditions slum girls under Hooghly Industrial Belt try hard to get better education. Various schemes of Government at local and state level (e.g. Kanyashree Scheme) also help them to carry out their study at some extent but it is not sufficient. Lack of family support and adverse social condition sometimes compel them to quit their study in the middle

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Sulata Hembrem Assessing Gender equality in Education: Reviewing status and issues in slums of Hooghly Industrial Belt, West Bengal. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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