Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Assessing English Language Proficiency

Mrs. Joyce Deva Kirubai, Dr. J. Joel

Abstract :

English has become the international link language. The multi–national corporate mania demands proficiency in English as the need of the hour for a promising employee. A person who has the capacity to use language effectively is a real asset to any business. Those who seek lucrative positions need to make their linguistic skills perfect in order to gain faster recognition. Therefore it is essential to update the language skills and competence from time to time to make the best use of language in different contexts and situations. To ensure acquisition of skills and competency in language proficiency, performance based assessments should be conducted in the classroom. Various assessments in English  language help the learners use the language skillfully. Assessments have great impact on the class room performance of the students and learning goals. Assessment methods reward the students. They exercise a good influence on the students’ learning, study habits and method of instruction. They help to measure educational achievement and improve it. Assessments that involve integration of practical and theoretical knowledge should be administered in all institutions to ing out the potential ability of the learners. Integrating assessments provide wonderful scaffolding for students and generate immense teacher satisfaction. Assessments improve the standard and quality of the institution and the students get progress as a whole, as assessments are oader in its scope than tests and examinations. 

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Mrs. Joyce Deva Kirubai, Dr.J.Joel Assessing English Language Proficiency Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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