Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Assess the GAP between the performance of Indian college and foreign colleges using Coefficient of Variation method

Dr Debaprayag Chaudhuri

Abstract :

An assessment has been done on the basis of questionnaire survey in the twenty–degree engineering colleges from India and foreign countries Ten colleges colleges each are taken from the two countries to measure the current or baseline performance level. A total of 4000 persons have been surveyed from the 20 colleges. The baseline or current performance level of the colleges has been assessed based on the coefficient of variation (CV%) through quantification of the survey questionnaire consisting of eight enablers. Each enabler contains several questions or drivers. A seven–point scale has been designed for each driver ranging from “Unsatisfactory” to “Outstanding”.

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Dr Debaprayag Chaudhuri Assess the GAP between the performance of Indian college and foreign colleges using Coefficient of Variation method Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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