Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Assesment of oral hygiene status and periodontal status in a group of blind students.

Dr R. Vijayalakshmi, Dr Preethi S, Dr Shweta, Dr Anvitha, Dr. Shruthi. D. Prasad, Dr. Heena Naz Kaouser

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND: The patient specially abled by defective vision presents a special challenge to the dental health care team. Although less than 1% of the total population meet the legal criteria for blindness,individuals affected with partial loss of vision raise the number of those suffering from a slight disability to a much larger proportion of the population.Yet the special oral problems of this group have not been thoroughly documented or studied and an estimate of their specific needs is required. Hence the purpose of this study was to assess oral hygiene status,periodontal status and oral hygiene practices among the inmates of two schools for the blind. MATERIALS AND METHOD:35 Males and 95 Females from two schools for the blind participated in the study.Periodontal status was recorded according to Russel’s periodontal index (PI).Oral hygiene was assessed according to Greene and Vermillion’s simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI –S).The oral hygiene practice was assessed with the help of a questionnaire. Statistical analysis will be done using Chi square test,Contingency coefficient test and One–way Anova. RESULTS: In this study age related changes in oral hygiene scores, gingival bleeding scores and periodontal scores was observed. However,scores between successive years of age was found not to be statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The visually impaired teenagers in Mysore city have poor oral hygeine and severe gingivitis as they unsatisfactorily practice oral hygiene and have limited access to the oral health care providers.

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Dr R.Vijayalakshmi, Dr Preethi S, Dr Shweta, Dr Anvitha, Dr.Shruthi.D.Prasad, Dr.Heena Naz Kaouser Assesment of oral hygiene status and periodontal status in a group of blind students. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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