Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015


Bradea Adela

Abstract :

Today, it is impossible to speak of pure and closed cultural spaces. From the pedagogical perspective, it involves learning plans, projects and specific intercultural education school programs, with emphasis on diversity, but also on the knowledge of their own culture. This study aims to tap some of the results of activities and research done in the project Collaboration for Equality of Chances in Multi–ethnic Cross–border Education, in ten localities in the Romanian–Hungarian border area, where the multiethnic communities live. We combined in our study quantitative and qualitative research methods: setting educational policy documents, curriculum documents, statistics and population demographics of the regions surveyed, interviews. This approach demonstrates that the problem in multiethnic communities in Romania and Hungary are the same: in all multiethnic schools is applied a national curriculum, with very few options for implementing the values of intercultural education.

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Bradea Adela Aspects of Intercultural Education in Schools Border. Case Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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