Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Arunachal Pradesh and Assam The Lands of Rich Folk Tales

Dr. Basanta Kumar Singh

Abstract :

The Tai Folktales are either written in verse form or orally passed down generations, and it is therefore natural that one folk tale may be told in different ways by different people. The Tais of this region are very rich in culture and folk tales which they have kept and preserved the same in tact and fully secured. The Tai people have preserved in their folk tales and tradition a sense of common origin, which is evident in their language and culture. Despite variations in dialect and accents over the years leading to their divergence, there still is some degree of mutual understanding among them. Apart from fulfilling the craving for listening to stories among small children, folktales can and do play a pivotal role in transmitting the traditions and customs of a particular culture to the next generation. Just as folktales can contain religious or mythic elements, in like manner, it can be equally infused with the mundane and ordinary traditions of daily life. As a matter of fact, folktales perform a very significant function in educating the members of a cultural group about the customs and traditions peculiar to that particular culture.

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Dr. Basanta Kumar Singh Arunachal Pradesh and Assam The Lands of Rich Folk Tales Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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