Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Army Worm– A Serious Sporadic Insect Pest of Rice in Rewa Region of Madhya Pradesh

Neeta Mishra, Geeta Choubey, Dinesh Prasad Patel, Amitabh Mishra

Abstract :

Results from a surveillance of occurrence and population buildup of army worm in rice crop during rainy season for 2 consecutive years (1999 and 2000) in Rewa district reveal that the infestation this pest was sporadic. Out of two dominating species of this pest, swarming caterpillars of army worm (Mythemna seperata Walker syn. Pseudatia seperata Walker) had severely damaged the well fertilized high yielding crop varieties viz., Kranti, IR–36 and IR–64 at boot stage in only one year (1999). The infestation was above to economic threshold level (ETL) in 4 blocks only out 8 blocks of the district. The infestation was controlled by repeated spraying of insecticides at fortnightly intervals. Mean relative humidity of evening hours and sunshine/day had strong correlations for the spread of this pest, while number of rainy days had its strong inverse relationships.

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Neeta Mishra, Geeta Choubey, Dinesh Prasad Patel, Amitabh Mishra Army Worm- A Serious Sporadic Insect Pest of Rice in Rewa Region of Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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