Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Are we compromising on Total Knee Arthroplasty component dimensions ? A prospective study on distal femoral dimensions in Indian patients.

Dr. Melvin J George, Dr. Jai Thilak

Abstract :

Mismatch between the components in Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) and the anatomical dimen–sions is always a hot topic for discussion. To study the same in our subset of patients, we con–ducted this study. Intra–operatively, the distal femoral dimensions were measured using sterile calipers after removing the osteophytes and compared with the medio–lateral dimensions (ML) of the implants used. We found that APM ( AP dimension of medial condyle ) and APL ( AP dimension of lateral condyle ) have positive correlation with ML. Male patients have bigger distal femoral dimensions and more mediolateral mismatch when compared to fe–males. None of the implants used had the perfect match with the anatomical dimension. The medio–lateral mismatch is more in bigger knees than in the smaller knees. Functional scoring was done till 1 year post operative period. Full patients did not complete the two year follow up scoring. did not reveal any statistically significant results between those patients with larger and lesser ML mismatch.

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Dr. Melvin J George, Dr. Jai Thilak Are we compromising on Total Knee Arthroplasty component dimensions ? A prospective study on distal femoral dimensions in Indian patients. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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