Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Aptitude in Science among the Upper Primary Students in Relation to Awareness of Environmental Pollution

Subhas Chandra Bhat, Kamal Krishna De, Malay Kumar Sen

Abstract :

 For study of the Aptitude in Science in relation to Awareness of Environmental Pollution the authors has 

drawn the similarity of such Awareness with human values enunciated by E. Spranger and the learning to 
live together emphasized by J.Delors. The authors have precisely described the techniques of construction of a standardized test in Aptitude in Science in relation to Environmental Pollution. They observed that Aptitude in Science varies 
due to change of sex of the students and pollution status in neighborhood of theirschools (in WB). As an entry level 
behavior Aptitude has a very significant effect on the Awareness of Environmental Pollution (AEP) and related activity. 
Though continuous variable like Aptitude has significant effect on AEP, the discrete or categorical variables like sex or 
pollution status of the schools hardly has any effect on AEP. | The related studies and the other studies of the authors 
exclusively showed that scientific concepts related to environment, attitude towards environment and different learning 
activities are very much are pro environmental. The authors strongly recommend the determination of construct validity 
/concurrent validity of such test in future

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Subhas Chandra Bhat, Kamal Krishna De, Malay Kumar Sen Aptitude in Science among the Upper Primary Students in Relation to Awareness of Environmental Pollution Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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