Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Approaches to Model Inter–organisational Processes in E–Government Services

Mr. Ritesh P. Lakhtaria, Dr. Dhaval R. Kathiriya

Abstract :

e–governance is the movement of goverments online to deliver their services and program. In non eGovernment scenario, responsibility of monitoring these interorganizational workflows lies with the citizen. In eGovernment scenario, citizens can not undertake this monitoring and the absence of any monitoring results in the failure of eGovernment service. In this paper we have presented a number of approaches to model these eGovernment inter–organizational processes using a simple eGovernment service of Passport Application.

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Mr. Ritesh P. Lakhtaria, Dr. Dhaval R. Kathiriya Approaches to Model Inter-organisational Processes in E-Government Services Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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