Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Application of Multiple Choice Questions System In The Faculty of Economics

Dr. Mohamed Elhag Abdalla Musa

Abstract :

 The study was conducted in  the Faculty of Economics of the Ribat National University  .The total number of students who sit for multiple choice questions exam are (67) students ,an hour and a half time was given for each student  to  the Multiple choice and traditional exam .The total score for the exam by the two systems is (20) degrees. The general  Objective of the study was to apply the multiple choice questions system in the Faculty of Economics of the Ribat National University  Semester sixth in 2015 Specifics Objectives were : To evaluate the examination system in a way of multiple–choice questions in terms of it justice, and achieve the intended learning outcomes,To Analyze the answers to the questions that dispersed among students compare between students who won and gets maximum and middle or minimum degrees regarding their answers with respect to all or some of the questions,to reveal of the nature of the problems faced by the students to understand the subject matter of the examination and processing of examinations in the future, and adequate explanation to grasp all students and to take advantage of the computer in the correct of examinations so as to achieve the following: 1.      Exempt the teacher of fatigue correction, especially in theoretical colleges which have high density of student , and reduce error caused manual correction. 2.       Reduce students‘ complaints of lack of accuracy and fairness of the correction. , and speedy of exams correction and declare the results of the students, because the speed of conventional test method takes longer time. 3.      Reduce the value of corrections specially the faculty of economic joined 3000 students. 4.      Standardize exams between medical, health and humanitarian colleges, noticing that academy regulations governing these colleges  , and Processing Faculty of Economics to prepare with the medical collegesfor the correction phase through the correction machine and this economy in time. 5.      To achieve justice in the patch, specially the correction requests in the Faculty of Economics in the previous year is (60), and the error is thirty. 6.      To differentiate between students who keep in mind and the student who have deep understanding. The Scientific Faculties have an ancient and rooted experience in the applying multiple choice questions as a system for the exam and this first attempt to be applies in humanity   Faculty (Faculty of Economics in Ribat National University) to reduce the cost of correction and delay in correction and frequent re–correction and the complaint of bias against students, and the unfairness of their assessment, all of this resolved through computer use requests in the patch and the application of multiple choice questions, which concluded the results to the importance of its adoption, specially,  the number of students in the Faculty of Economics are  growing. results ; Multi– choice Questions system according to range 15–20,  the number of students was 22 (32%), while the traditional method, the number of 12students (18%). According to the range 10–14 questions by multiple choice number of students is 27 rate 40%, while by the traditional method, the number of students are 30 rate 44% either in the range 5–9  the number of students  are 7 rate 10% by using multiple questions, but by using the traditional method for the same range , the number of students 15 rate  22%. But for the range 0–4  the number of students 12 rate  18% by using the multiple questions method and by traditional method a number of students reached 11 rate 16%.  On the other hand the   students who passed exam using the traditional method are 42(62%)  for the range (10–20), and the number of failure students are 26(38%) for the range 0–9. while the number of students who passed the exam using multiple–choice range (10–20) are 49  students (72 %)and while the number of students who failed at the same range (0–9), are 19 students.

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Dr. Mohamed Elhag Abdalla Musa, Application of Multiple Choice Questions System In The Faculty of Economics, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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