Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015


Supriya Agrawal

Abstract :

 The food industry is directing new product development towards the area of functional foods and functional food ingredients due to an increasing market demand for healthier foods. Nearly two–thirds of the American population takes at least one type of nuetraceutical health product regularly. Bengalgram is a unique legume, used to prepare a variety of traditional food products. Since ancient times, these are generally consumed as items of snacks or as special item for occasions in different parts of India. Kidneybean is traditionally consumed as whole legume in Northern parts of India; they are valued for their protein, starch, low fat content, and high moisture content. Information available on the quality of snacks made from bengalgram flour and health benefits of kidneybean flour, both the legume were chosen to incorporate in the preparation of value added nutraceutical sevs. The present study was undertaken to evaluate organoleptic characteristics and neutraceutical profile of the different Sevs made up of different blends. Traditional Sev (control) and four blends were prepared with Dehusked Bengal gram flour replaced by Whole Bengalgram flour (10%) and Whole Kidney bean flour (10–40%). The blend TS4 was highly acceptable in reference to organoleptic characteristics like Taste and overall acceptability. Hence the composition of the blend TS4 is highly recommended for sev preparation i.e. 50% dehusked bengalgram flour with 10% of Whole bengalgram flour and 40% Whole kidneybean flour. TS4 found to present proximate value addition with fie (3.11%), Protein (19.95%), carbohydrates (35.23%), Fat (33.71%), moisture (2.4%) and ash (5.6%).

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Supriya Agrawal / APPLICATION OF KIDNEYBEAN FLOUR ON SAVORY SEV PREPARATION AND ITS NUETRACEUTICAL PROFILE / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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