Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Anxiety Level of Basketball Players – Pre, During and Post Competition

Malkeet Kaur, Vijay Kumar, Annu, Pradeep Sharma, Naresh

Abstract :

The objective of this study was to assess the tendency of anxiety at different time of a competition. For this purpose, 30 male inter collegiate basketball players from S.G.B. Amravati University were selected. The age range of the participants was 18–23yrs.The Sports Competitive Anxiety Test (SCAT) was administered to obtain responses from the participants at different time of competition i.e. Pre, during and post competition. Apart from descriptive statistics, ANOVA was applied to assess the differences among pre, during and post competition responses taken from subjects. It was found that mean anxiety level among the basketball player differs significantly as the mean difference value in between pre –competition and during –competition (DM=3.34), Pre– competition and post competition (DM=1.36) and During competition and post competition (DM=1.36) are greater than the critical difference value of 0.043. On the basis of the result found, following conclusions were drawn: It has seen that a moderate level of Anxiety is best for the acquisition & performance of motor skill. Level of anxiety either too high or low tends to decrease the performance of a player. Anxiety is natural part of the competition in a player or Athlete.

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Malkeet Kaur, Vijay Kumar, Annu, Pradeep Sharma, Naresh Anxiety Level of Basketball Players‾Pre, During and Post Competition Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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