Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Antioxidant activity of mango peel powder (Mangifera indicaL.)

Priyanka Asai Thambi, Sheila John, Esther Lydia, Sarah Jane Monica

Abstract :

 Technological way of living in this modern era has significantly increased the amount of free radicals produced in the body thereby increasing the challenge of the body’s antioxidant defense system. Excessive production of free radicals contributes to several degenerative chronic illnesses such as cancers and cardiovascular diseases. A number of dietary factors are found to possess antioxidant activity and one among them is mango peel due to the presence of various bioactive components.The present study was carried out to exploit the antioxidant activity of mango peel using five extracts namely acetone, ethanol, petroleum ether, chloroform and aqueous. In vitro antioxidant activity were assessed using DPPH, FRAP and Hydrogen Peroxide assay. Among the extracts analysed it was found that acetone extract exhibited greatest antioxidant activity. The result of the study therefore indicates the use of mango peel as a food ingredient.

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Priyanka Asai Thambi, Sheila John, Esther Lydia, Sarah Jane Monica Antioxidant activity of mango peel powder (Mangifera indicaL.) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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