Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Antimicrobial Activity of Mentha Arvensis L (Pudina) Against Gram Negative Bacteria

Arun B. Ingle, Megha M. Kumbalwar, Megha H. Shende

Abstract :

 The present study has been designed with the objective to examine the Antimicrobial activity of Mentha Arvensis L.(family lamiaceae) against the medically important gram negative bacterial strain  like  E.coli ,  Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae by  agar well diffusion method on Nutrient agar media using some solvent extract like Butanol, Chloroform, DMSO.

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Arun B. Ingle, Megha M. Kumbalwar, Megha H.Shende Antimicrobial activity of Mentha Arvensis L (pudina) on gram negative bacteria

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