Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Antibiogram pattern of Non Fermenting Gram Negative Bacilli in A Tertiary Care Hospital, in Odisha

Dr Kundan Kumar Sahu, Dr Rajashree Panigrahy, Dr Sunita Kabi, Dr Smita Padhi

Abstract :

 Non–fermentative gram negative bacilli have emerged as an impending pathogenic

entity with the ability to show resistance for commonly used antimicrobials. With

this background the present study was undertaken to detect the clinical distribution

and antibiogram profile of non–fermenting gram negative bacilli isolated from the

clinical samples such as pus, urine, blood etc. Different non–fermentative gram negative bacilli were isolated from 140 clinical samples obtained from various clinical departments (indoor only) of our hospital during January 2017 to July 2017. The isolates were identified using the standard basic tests including motility, catalase, oxidase production, indole, triple sugar iron agar test, citrate utilization, urease production, oxidation fermentation and phenylalanine deaminase tests. Antibiotic sensitivity testing of isolated gram–negative bacilli was performed by the Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method using Mueller Hinton Agar plates following the CLSI guidelines. 1093 samples were found to be positive for bacterial culture, while 140 (12.8%) samples showed growth of non–fermentative gram negative bacilli. The most common isolates were Pseudomonas aeruginosa accounting for (48.5%) followed by Acinetobacter baumanii(33.5%). Antibiotic sensitivity profile of these isolated organisms indicates higher sensitivity towards Imipenem, Cefipime– Sulbactam and Ceftazidime–Sulbactam with certain degrees of resistance towards Amikacin, Piperacillin and Co–trimoxazole. The study findings could be useful for the clinicians towards promoting rational use of antibiotics and contributing to abate unnecessary development of resistance.

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Dr Kundan Kumar Sahu, Dr Rajashree Panigrahy, Dr Sunita Kabi, Dr Smita Padhi, Antibiogram pattern of Non Fermenting Gram Negative Bacilli in A Tertiary Care Hospital, in Odisha, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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