Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Antibacterial Activity by Pigmented Psychrotrophic Bacterial Isolates

Kirti Kushwaha, Jyoti Saxena, Mukesh Kumar Agarwal

Abstract :

Four pigment producing psychrotrophic bacteria were isolated from the water and soil samples collected from Leh and Ladakh which are situated at an altitude of 11,562 and 19,700 ft., respectively in Himalayas, India. Isolates were characterized as Sanguibacter antarcticus KK13 (yellow), Kocuria turfanensis KK7 and K. rosea KK12 (pinkish orange) and Planococcus maritimus KK21 (orange). Pigment extracts from all the isolates gave absorption spectra in 400–500 nm which validated the pigments as carotenoids. Pigment extracts from isolates were screened for antibacterial activity against Gram (+) Bacillus cereus (ATCC 14579), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Gram (–) Viio cholera (ATCC 39315) and Shigella dysenteriae ATCC 13313) pathogenic bacterial cultures obtained from ATCC. Pigment extract from any of the isolate did not inhibit the growth of S. dysenteriae, while growth of B. cereus was not inhibited by pigment extracts from S. antarcticus `and P. maritimus. Pigment extracts in concentration range of 40–80 µg ml–1 successfully inhibited growth of selected pathogenic bacteria. The present study thus suggested that carotenoids from psychrotrophic isolates may be used as a new potential source of natural nutraceutical components.

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Kirti Kushwaha, Jyoti Saxena, Mukesh Kumar Agarwal Antibacterial Activity by Pigmented Psychrotrophic Bacterial Isolates Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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