Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Anemia in peuperium: Comparative study of efficacy and safety of Oral iron, Iron sucrose and Ferric carboxymaltose

Dr. Urvashi Singh, Dr. Neha Singh

Abstract :

 introduction: Postpartum anemia can develop after delivery because of unforeseen medical problems during and after delivery which could complicate a mother’s ability to properly care for her newborn child. The current treatment for postpartum anemia is oral iron supplementation but this treatment has been associated with several gastrointestinal side effects, So Intravenous iron treatments have become more popular. Objectives: To evaluate the hematological parameters of women with postpartum anemia while being treated with IV Iron sucrose or IV Ferrous carboxymaltose compared to oral iron. Methodology: Prospective study conducted at MLN Medical college from march 2014 to Feuary 2015 in 350 postpartum anemic women given different iron preparation and rise in Hb compared. Result: Study showed a significant increase in Hb level in FCM group (3.1%) and ISR group (2.5%) as compared to oral iron (1.8%). Conclusion: Both forms of IV iron are superior to oral iron in correcting postpartum anemia as they require a shorter treatment period, increase the likelihood of compliance, have no gastrointestinal side effects and rapidly replenish iron stores. Compared to ISR, FCM has advantage of lesser dose requirement and less allergic side effects.

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Dr.Urvashi Singh, Dr.Neha Singh Anemia in peuperium: Comparative study of efficacy and safety of Oral iron, Iron sucrose and Ferric carboxymaltose Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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