Volume : X, Issue : VII, July - 2020


Dr. Khan Shazia Islamuddin, Dr. A. N. Pandey

Abstract :

Kukundar Marma is one out of 107 Marma, located on Parshava Bhirbhage (dorso–lateral part of pelvis) and Pristhvansa Ubhayato (both side of verteal column) and is classified as Vaikalyakara Marma. Trauma to Kukundar Marma results in loss of sensation and paraparesis of lower limb. It is classified as sandhi marma, and is closely associated with sacroiliac joint. Most of the Kukundar Marma Aghatjanya Lakshana has a resemblance with lumbosacral plexopathy and sciatic nerve injury Here, marma aghat lakshans can act as predictors of the structures involved. In this study, scholar was trying to find out exact location of Kukundar Marma and its relationship with other anatomical entities (in circumference of this Marma) with the help of cadaveric study. As a final result the study concludes that Kukundar Marma may be considered as inferior part of sacroiliac joint.

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ANATOMICAL STUDY OF KUKUNDAR MARMA., Dr. Khan Shazia Islamuddin, Dr. A.N. Pandey INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-7 | July-2020

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