Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Analysis of Voltage Droop Control of Dc Micro–Grid

Fenil V Gadhethariya, Melvin Z. Thomas

Abstract :

This work presents a performance study of a dc micro–grid when it is used a voltage droop technique to regu – lated the grid voltage and to control the load shå between different sources like Photovoltaic cell , Fuel Cell, Batteries, etc. A small model of a dc micro–grid comprising micro–sources and loads was implemented in the Matlab environment. Some aspects about centralized (master–slave) and decentralized (voltage droop) control strategies as well as the procedures to design the controllers, with droop control, are presented and discussed.

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Fenil V Gadhethariya, Melvin Z. Thomas Analysis of Voltage Droop Control of Dc Micro-Grid Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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