Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Analysis of Vitamin Content in the Milk of Dairy Animals Vs. Humans

Dr. Sarah Afaq

Abstract :

For centuries milk has been a good source of various nutrients including vitamin content. The present study was done to evaluate and compare the content of eight important vitamins, water and fat soluble vitamins, in the milk of diary animals like cow, goat and camel along with the human. Camel milk has the highest vitamin B3 and C content, while human milk has highest vitamin A and E content. Cow milk has highest vitamin D,B1,B6 and B12 content, while goat milk has highest vitamin B2 and B3.Cow and goat milk have much similar vitamin profile, but human milk is best in overall vitamin content.

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Dr. Sarah Afaq Analysis of Vitamin Content in the Milk of Dairy Animals Vs. Humans Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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