Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Analysis of the Clean Milk Production Practices of Dairy Farmers of Kerala

Shibu K Jacob, Anu George

Abstract :

Clean Milk Production (CMP) is very important in dairy farming. Several hygienic measures should be practiced for production of clean milk. CMP practices of dairy farmers of a selected gram panchayat of Palakkad district of Kerala state were analyzed in terms of knowledge and adoption regarding the practices using a semi– structured interview schedule developed for the purpose. The data were analysed using frequency and percentage. On analysis, it was revealed that more than half of the respondents (77%) had medium knowledge of CMP practices and the rest were in the low category (23%). None were in the high category for knowledge of CMP practices. For adoption of CMP practices, majority of the respondents were in the low category (60%), followed by medium (33%) and high categories (1%).

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Shibu K Jacob, Anu George Analysis of the Clean Milk Production Practices of Dairy Farmers of Kerala Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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