Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Mrs. Beena Nair Mankotia, Dr. Y. P. Sharma

Abstract :

  The present investigation has been conducted on 240 subjects with an aim to find out differences in somatotype among the athletes of inter–university in games namely basketball, handball, hockey and volleyball. The data for the present study were collected during the various inter universities competition held in the session 2013–2014. Each athlete was tested for various anthropometric measurements necessary for somatotype. Somatotype ratings were calculated by the equations developed by Heath and Carter (1990). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to find out significant difference among the athletes of four sports. In case of any significance of mean difference, Scheffee’s post hoc‘t’ test was applied for further analysis. From the findings, it has been observed that volleyballers were found to be tallest and heaviest, and hockey players were shortest and lightest among inter–university athletes of team sports. The highest mesomorphic development have been found in volleyballers and surprisingly endomorphically also, and handballers were less developed mesomorphically and endomorphically, respectively among the interuniversity athletes of team sports. In ectomorphy component basketballers show higher rating and handballers possess least rating. The results also revealed that there was significant difference in height, weight, endomorphy and mesomorphy components among inter–university athletes of team sport

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Mrs. Beena Nair Mankotia, Dr. Y.P.Sharma Analysis of Somatotype Among Inter-University Athletes of Team Sports Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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