Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Analysis of Selected Motor Fitness Components Between Basketball and Kho–Kho Players

Mr. Maruf Chowdhury, Dr. Sentu Mitra, Mr. Arup Gayen

Abstract :

 The purpose of the present study was to analysis the selected motor fitness components namely speed 

and agility between basketball and Kho–Kho players. The study was conducted on thirty (N=30) university level male players [fifteen Kho–Kho Players and fifteen basketball players]. They were randomly selected from VisvaBharati, Santiniketan, WB. The age of the subjects ranged between20– 25 years. In the present study speed and agility 
were chosen as the parameters for the study. In this study agility were measured by Illinois Agility Test. and speed was 
measured by 20Meter Dash Test. Descriptive Statistics and independent t–test were used to calculate the data. The result of the study showed that there was significant difference in agility(2.105) between basketball and Kho–Kho players 
but no significant difference was found in speed between basketball and Kho–Kho players.

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Mr. Maruf Chowdhury, Dr.Sentu Mitra, Mr. Arup Gayen Analysis of Selected Motor Fitness Components Between Basketball and Kho–Kho Players Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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