Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Analysis of Pre and post merger performance of selected commercial Banks – an application of DEA

Dr. V. R. Nedunchezhian, Ms. K. Premalatha

Abstract :

The present study deals with the merger and acquisition done by Indian Banks domestically. The paper aims to study about the pre and post merger performance of the Banks with its competitor and it will be useful to justify the effectiveness of the merger. Sample size for the Analysis is Four Banks merged during 2003–2005. The data collected for the study is from 2000 to 2011 for pre merger 2000–2003 data are used and for post merger 2005–2011 has been used. Data Envelopment Analysis has been used for the Analysis part. The analysis may be useful to judge whether mergers has the impact on the performance of the banks. Sometimes pre mergers show better performance and some banks shows better performance. Based on the above concept the researcher has attempted to prepare this research article.

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Dr. V. R. Nedunchezhian, Ms. K. Premalatha Analysis of Pre and post merger performance of selected commercial Banks – an application of DEA Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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