Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Analysis of Methane Emission of Ruminant’s Rumen by In Vitro Technique Using Chemical Stoichiometry Method

Sofyan, Etty Riani, Anuraga Jayanegara

Abstract :

 Global warming is a process of increase in average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gas effect (green house effect). The greenhouse effect is the increase of accumulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and some kinds of other gases, for example methane gas. This increase is caused by industrial activity, fuel oil burning residue, and also from the agricultural sector including the animal husbandry sector especially those with the ruminants. The studies on the production of methane gas in the last few decades are often ought up by the experts, however, in Indonesia it still has not done much, especially in terms of more effective and efficient methods on the determination of methane gas content. The purpose of this study was to analyze the methane emissions from some types of feed commonly used in Indonesia, the effectiveness of the methane emission test method by using the chemical stoichiometry method, and the environmental management strategies toward the global warming. The research was conducted in October – December 2014 in the Laboratory of Animal Feed Science and Technology, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bogor Agricultural University. The method used in this study was a chemical stoichiometry method by measuring the content of volatile fatty acid (VFA). Volatile fatty acid content analysis was performed according to the method Hoeltershinken et al. (1997). The variables that were observed were the nutrient composition of the feed, the content of gross energy (GE), the total gas, the ammonia, the organic matter digestibility (OMD), and the content of VFA. The data obtained were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance ANOVA. The results of analysis of the methane emissions from a variety of feed showed that methane emissions from some of the treatments that were analyzed in this study indicated that the concentrate which with additional 60% elephant grass was the best treatment in reducing the methane emissions by 3.03 mmol / l, the effectiveness of the chemical stoichiometry method was still effective in measuring the methane gas, and the strategy to reduce the methane gas emission through the ruminant’s feed could be performed by adding the rice straw and elephant grass to the concentrate.

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Sofyan, Etty Riani, Anuraga Jayanegara Analysis of Methane Emission of Ruminant¥s Rumen by In Vitro Technique Using Chemical Stoichiometry Method Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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