Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Analysis of Hydrological Data of Talaji Tributary Catchment in Shetrunji River Basin

Shyam D Kotecha, Harsh N Patel, Dr. N. J. Shrimali

Abstract :

Water is the elixir of life. By design it is perfect – The most essential element of life. As water is becoming scarce commodity, its preservation and conservation has become the most important aspect in relation to the water resources development planning. Rainfall is basic input to the hydrologic cycle. Its variation and distribution plays important role in hydrological response of the area and keeps special importance in study of hydrology of a river basin. Rainfall studies are of utmost utility for understanding nature & hence the behaviour of climate changes. In the present paper rainfall–runoff is analysed variation pattern at Sanaliya and Talaji rain gauge stations in Shetrunji River Basin. A co–relation is established and conclusions are derived.

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Shyam D Kotecha, Harsh N Patel, Dr.N.J.Shrimali / Analysis of Hydrological Data of Talaji Tributary Catchment in Shetrunji River Basin / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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