Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Analysis and Modelling of Capacitive Transducers Based on the Charge Transfer Method

Ivan Maslinkov

Abstract :

The steady-state response of a capacitive measuring transducer based on the charge transfer method was analysed. According to the new generalised equivalent circuit of a capacitive sensor which contains a constant phase element, the additional error due to this element was calculated. Specific recommendations were given concerning the control of the switches and the method of processing the measurement results obtained. Following them, a transducer was built that could measure the sensor capacity in the presence of a constant phase element. The simulation in PSpice and the experimental study of the transducer confirmed the analytical results obtained.

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Ivan Maslinkov Analysis and Modelling of Capacitive Transducers Based on the Charge Transfer Method Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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