Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Anaesthetic Management of Tongue Tie Release in a 2 Year Old Child with Peirre Robin Syndrome

Dr. Karhade Seema S. , Dr. Adnanali Sarkar, Dr. Thombre Shalini

Abstract :

Airway management of a child with Pierre Robin Syndrome has always been a challenge for the anaesthesiologists. The micrognathia , macroglossia , ankylosis associated with high arched palate and Microstomia pose difficulty in intubating these patients.We report a case in which technique of blind nasal intubation was used to intubate a 2 year old child posted for tongue tie release after failed direct laryngoscopic intubation attempts.  

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Dr. Karhade Seema S., Dr. Adnanali Sarkar, Dr. Thombre Shalini Anaesthetic Management of Tongue Tie Release in a 2 Year Old Child with Peirre Robin Syndrome Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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