Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Anaesthetic Management of a Large Sublingual Dermoid Cyst Excision in a 2 Year Old Child

Dr. Seema Karhade, Dr. Adnanali Sarkar, Dr. Shalini Thombre

Abstract :

Airway management of a child with Large Sublingual Swelling has always been a challenge for the anaesthesiologists. We report a case in which the technique of blind nasal intubation was used to intubate a two year old female child posted for excision of a large sublingual dermoid cyst compromising the anterior pharyngeal space thus making oral intubation difficult. We faced two episodes of intra–operative de–saturation during handling of the swelling. Also, after removal of the swelling, the nasal endotracheal tube was changed to oral position because of intermittent difficulty in ventilation intra–operatively due to frequent movement of the tube.

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Dr. Seema Karhade, Dr. Adnanali Sarkar, Dr. Shalini Thombre Anaesthetic Management of a Large Sublingual Dermoid Cyst Excision in a 2 Year Old Child Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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