Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

An unusual case of large bowel obstruction due to well formed fecal matter: A case report

Dr. Parveen Kumar, Dr. J. P. S. Shakya, Dr. Avnish Saxena, Dr. Nitin Goyal

Abstract :

Fecal impaction is a common gastrointestinal disorder and a source of significant patient suffering with potential for major morbidity.[1] The incidence of fecal impaction increases with age and dramatically impairs the quality of life in the elderly.[2] Large bowel obstruction can be due to multiple causes but here we present a case of large bowel obstruction due to well formed fecal matter

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Dr. Nitin Goyal, Dr. Avnish Saxena, Dr. J.P.S. Shakya, Dr. Parveen Kumar An unusual case of large bowel obstruction due to well formed fecal matter: A case report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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