Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

An unusual case of Eccrine acrospiroma: a case report

Dr. Trisandhya Palla, Dr. Uday Kiran Mokati, Dr. Sandeep. P, Dr. Bavesh. B, Dr. Mahesh. M, D R. Jithendra

Abstract :

Eccrine acrospiroma, better known as eccrine poroma, is a benign cutaneous tumour of sweat duct

Origin, seen on microscopic examination. Acrospiromas are usually 1 to 2 cm in size but they may attain

Sizeable proportions, on rare occasions, they may undergo malignant transformation. Their clinical

Aspect can masquerade as some other nodular and cystic lesions. Here we report a case of

Eccrine acrospiroma of the skin surface of left side of neck in 60 years old women, which was

diagnosed as eccrine acrospiroma after doingexcision biopsy onhistopathological examination.


Eccrine acrospiromas are distinct sweat gland tumours that present as solitary plaques, nodules,

or exophytic papules .in1969, Johnson and Helwig introduced the term ‘Eccrine acrospiroma‘ to

A cutaneous neoplasm that had been previously reported under a variety of terms, for example

‘Eccrine poroma’ which was described first in 1956 by Pinkush and others[1,2]. Other synonyms of

Eccrine acrospiroma are clear cell, nodular, superficial or solid–cystic hider adenoma; clear ell

Papillary carcinoma; clear cell myoepithelioma; porosyringoma; large cell sweat gland adenoma; or

Basal cell carcinoma of sweat gland origin [3]. They affect all age ranges and involve any area of the

Body and majority of them are benign [4]. We report a case of eccrine acrospiroma in a 60 years old

 woman over left side of the neck.

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DR.TRISANDHYA PALLA, DR.UDAY KIRAN MOKATI, DR.SANDEEP.P, DR.BAVESH.B, DR.MAHESH.M, D R.JITHENDRA, An unusual case of Eccrine acrospiroma: a case report, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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