Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

An overview on amenities in Karnataka Central Prisons

Nrupathunga Patel, Dr. G. S. Venumadhava

Abstract :

 Incarceration has been seeing as a way of punishment, as evil shall be return to the evil the concept of incarceration was evolved hence later the growth of civilizations this concept has taken varieties of ways in modifying the core concept of punishment. 17th centuries rehabilitation concept of punishment is utilizing in recent days prisons. Karnataka prison administration is one of the modernized and evolving in its ideology of punishments. Having the concept of prisonisation, prisoners are kept in prison as punishment not for punishing them, prison administration finding new ways to make inmates as law abiding citizens of the country by developing rehabilitative techniques, this paper is attempting to give a overlook of such prison reformation in Karnataka central prisons.

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Nrupathunga Patel, Dr.G.S.Venumadhava An overview on amenities in Karnataka Central Prisons Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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