Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016


Gupta Anju, Dr. Vinita Bansal, Rekha Menghani

Abstract :

<p><p>BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Term “hysterectomy” though means removal of uterus, in practice it has a much wider classification depending upon the indication. Aim of this study was to analyse indication, age prevalence, surgical approach & complication of hysterectomies at government tertiary care centre in Rajasthan, India. METHODS: Present study is carried out at J.K.Lon mother & child hospital, Government medical college Kota, Rajasthan. It involved all women who underwent hysterectomies in span of six month (from 1st march 2015 to 31st august 2015). RESULTS: Most common surgical approach was abdominal ie (66.6%) followed by vaginal (33.3%). Most common indication were dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( 30.9%) & utero vaginal prolapse ( 30.9%), Overall complication rate was 4.8%. CONCLUSION: The conditions that may lead to a hysterectomy cause discomfort and inconvenience rather than threaten life. Hysterectomy is the definitive treatment for dysfunctional uterine bleeding and utero vaginal prolapse patient in most studies it has a higher rate of patient satisfaction. Hysterectomy like any other surgical procedure is associated with risk of complications therefore indication should be carefully evaluated .</p></p>

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Gupta anju, Bansal vinita, Moolchandani rekha AN OVERVIEW OF HYSTERECTOMY AT TERTIARY CARE CENTRE Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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