Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

An Overview of Aggressive Angiomyxoma (Aam)

Dr Hemant Damle, Dr Jyotsna Potdar

Abstract :

Aggressive angiomyxoma (AAM) is a benign soft tissue neoplasm. In latest WHO classification AAM has been classified under ‘Tumours of uncertain differentiation’. Other name for this entity is ‘Deep aggressive angiomyxoma’. Only around 192 cases have so far been reported from all over the world. The term “aggressive” has been labelled to this neoplasm because it has very high probability of local recurrence. Metastasis is very uncommon. The tumour mainly arises from female pelvis and genital area. It has been also been reported to arise from extrapelvic & extragenital areas. The tumours are usually huge in size, more than 10 cm in diameter, and push adjacent organs rather than invading those. Microscopic features include vascular component (vessels of varying diameters) and cellular component in huge myxomatous stroma. Diagnosis is helped by ultrasound and MRI. Certain immunohistochemical and features are characteristic. Treatment is wide excision. Close follow–up over several years is essential because of risk of recurrence.

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Dr Hemant Damle, Dr Jyotsna Potdar An Overview of Aggressive Angiomyxoma (Aam) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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