Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

An Observational Prospective Study of Maternal Genital Tract Injuries during

Dr Lovedeep Kaur, Dr Suchita Dabhadkar, Dr Vaishali Taralekar, Dr Girija Wagh

Abstract :

The present study was conducted in tertiary care teaching institute. It was a two years study from August 2010 to July 2012. This was carried out to find out the incidence and causes of various types of maternal genital tract injuries during vaginal birth in labour. A total of 2064 cases were analyzed, maternal injuries such as perineal tear and vulval lacerations, vaginal lacerations, cervical tears, Para–urethral tears, vulval hematoma were observed and documented. The overall incidence of maternal injuries in the present study was 255/2064 cases (12.35%).

Keywords :

Injury   tear   labour  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr Lovedeep Kaur, Dr Suchita Dabhadkar, Dr Vaishali Taralekar, Dr Girija Wagh An Observational Prospective Study of Maternal Genital Tract Injuries during Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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