Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

An Investigation on Reading Preferences of Engineering Students of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Noor Zainab Binti Abdul Razak, Mallam Adamu Babikkoi

Abstract :

Reading among students can be for leisure or for academic purposes. Reading preferences vary among senior students and can be extremely important in determining the success or otherwise of a student especially at higher levels of study. This study aimed at identifying the reading preferences of engineering students in UTM and the hours spent per day. The study employed both questionnaire and open-ended interview for data gathering. The sample for quantitative data consisted of 50 respondents out of whom six were selected for the qualitative data. The findings show that respondents engage in both academic and leisure reading with varied time distribution indicating that more time is spent reading academic materials than reading for leisure.

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Noor Zainab binti Abdul Razak, Mallam Adamu Babikkoi An Investigation on Reading Preferences of Engineering Students of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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