Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

An Investigation of Responsibility Feelings Among Secondary School Students

Dr. Pahup Singh Tyagi, Binti Dua

Abstract :

Responsibility is a healthy trait for a successful life. Teenage is the time for learning and recognizing responsibilities so that one can grow into a successful adult. The attribute called responsibility is responsible for active participation of a student in whatever he/she do which leads to their academic success. Students are required to have skills of– peservance, commitment, decision–making, motivation, time management and communication to become a responsible citizen. The aim of the study is to see the responsibility feelings among X class students. For this descriptive survey method was used. 200 students of X class were selected. Findings shows that the girls are more responsible than the boys and I divisioners are more responsible than the III divisioners and failures. So there is positive correlation between Scholastic achievement and Responsibility feelings.

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Dr.Pahup Singh Tyagi, Binti Dua An Investigation of Responsibility Feelings Among Secondary School Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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